Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

04 February 2024

Tenants are being billed amounts that, upon simple verification, are found to be incorrect. What's even worse, they discover this through an aggressive formal notice, or receiving a telephone call when the tenant is traveling.

According to an administration spokes person, a formal notice is sent immediately before any verification. This approach is unnecessarily aggressive and counterproductive: it causes stress, hassle, time losses, and various expenses (e.g., legal consultations), in addition to creating a sense of distrust towards the administration.

It is essential for Rockhill to ensure the accuracy of the amounts before bothering honest tenants with formal notices accompanied by threats of legal action, when it is unjustified. Furthermore, when tenants reject increases deemed excessive, Rockhill must make a note of this in the client file management system to avoid harassing tenants by prematurely demanding sums before the lease adjustment session.


14 January 2024

It is observed that the pool usage rules are not enforced or should be put in place to improve security and cleanliness

  • Some tenants have interacted with non-residents using the toilets, changing rooms, and the pool without considering that these are private facilities paid for by the tenants.
  • No access control at the entrance, which allows non-residents to wait for a resident to open the door, then come in after
  • Lack of cleanliness: Swimmers with long hair without swim caps, swimmers in T-shirts and shorts,
  • Swimmers not showering before entering the water.
  • Lockers: some users of the change rooms are permanently leaving their own locks on the lockers, which prevents other people from using them.

14 January 2024

A fire alarm triggered shortly after midnight on January 1 raises questions among tenants:

  • When security was contacted during the alarm, the guard was not aware that the alarm was sounding.
  • No communication through the loudspeakers, either to encourage tenants to evacuate or to announce the end of the alert.
  • Tenants notice that many fire alarm stations remain non-functional and covered with tape. Does this lack of connection explain why security was not aware?

Tenants are concerned about this incident.


14 January 2024

We were disappointed to see that the snow removal for the most recent snow storm was performed with the same problems as previously, without any improvements.


12 January 2024

The administration of Rockhill sent a letter stating that "acts of vandalism have occurred in the sauna area, compromising not only the quality of our shared environment but also the safety and well-being of everyone. These acts include damage to equipment and inappropriate behavior in the sauna space."

This incident aligns with several tenants reporting a lack of identity control regarding equipment and non-functioning cameras.


12 January 2024

A tenant was a victim of aggressive behavior by a group of men by the pool while she was using the women's change room. The men tried to open the door and yelled obscenities at her.

The lifeguard said he wasn't able to intervene, and the surveillance caméra was not working. The men were not apprehended.


12 January 2024

The car wash station is incorrectly set up. There is a tool to create a pressurized water jet that is not connected to water. A old rubber hose without a nozzle must be used for watering. However, this hose is only connected to hot water because despite the presence of a tap for cold water, the connection is incorrectly made, and only boiling hot water comes out. A tenant reported getting burned.


10 January 2024

The tenants meeting was held on January 8th and covered the following topics:

  • Report on the last meeting with Minto.
  • Confirmation of a monthly me.
  • Reminder: new website (mnemonic for with details of this meeting and updates on reported issues.
  • Inoperable and potentially dangerous car wash station.
  • January 1 fire alarm - need to improve communications.
  • Security and lack of authority around the pool, changing rooms, and sauna.
  • Lack of follow-up on maintenance requests. Tenants are encouraged to log their issues in Rent Café for better service and dated follow-up. Notify the CLR at if the wait is very long to help us discuss the overall situation with the administration. However, the resolution of individual problems must go through the maintenance process, as the CLR cannot track each individual issue.
  • For collective issues, the CLR asks everyone to report problems with photos if possible to
  • Lack of coordination for work at tenants' units, discussion of rights.
  • Several tenants expressed frustration with a lack of progress on issues; there is a sense of neglect in maintenance, supervision of common areas, and customer service.
  • Discussion about people unable to reach security, who should always respond. The CLR asks anyone forced to leave a message to notify them by email at

22 December 2023

In a TEAMS meeting on December 21, 2023, Rockhill Tenants' Collective members and Minto representatives, including Regional Director Carmello Contarini and Building Manager Éric Cao, discussed several key issues. The tenants presented a new website aimed at streamlining communication, which Minto praised. In addition to the website presentation, all agreed to schedule monthly meetings to foster ongoing improvements at Rockhill. The discussion covered pressing matters such as garage vandalism, snow removal blocking sidewalks, faulty non-slip mats on exterior stairs, and a recent 15-minute power outage at Rockhill. Minto committed to addressing these issues, signaling actions like ordering parts for garage door repairs and investigating the power outage. Talk about maintenance revealed Minto's intent to speed up service responses, with plans to publish performance statistics for accountability and process enhancement.


22 December 2023

The yellow lines around the handicapped parking spaces in the parking lot have been erased and in winter they are covered in snow. It happens that disabled individuals cannot enter their vehicles when another car parks too close. Security cannot issue fines due to the lack of visibility of the boundaries.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.