Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Category: Rent Café

04 February 2024

Tenants are being billed amounts that, upon simple verification, are found to be incorrect. What's even worse, they discover this through an aggressive formal notice, or receiving a telephone call when the tenant is traveling.

According to an administration spokes person, a formal notice is sent immediately before any verification. This approach is unnecessarily aggressive and counterproductive: it causes stress, hassle, time losses, and various expenses (e.g., legal consultations), in addition to creating a sense of distrust towards the administration.

It is essential for Rockhill to ensure the accuracy of the amounts before bothering honest tenants with formal notices accompanied by threats of legal action, when it is unjustified. Furthermore, when tenants reject increases deemed excessive, Rockhill must make a note of this in the client file management system to avoid harassing tenants by prematurely demanding sums before the lease adjustment session.


05 December 2023

Several tenants have mentioned reporting issues in person or through Rent Café that are still unresolved months or even years later.

In some cases, a balcony issue dating back several years results in water infiltration into the apartment below during heavy rains. Nothing has been done despite multiple visits to assess the problem.

A tenant lived without a refrigerator for more than a month and had to insist repeatedly with the coordinator before their abnormal situation was resolved.

Another tenant mentions missing mosquito screens that have never been replaced.

There are several complaints about odors due to plumbing issues that have never been corrected, despite multiple separate visits.

Is there a follow-up by Rockhill to identify and prioritize requests that remain unresolved after several months?


01 December 2023

- Two tenants are surprised and concerned to have received messages from the Rentcafe platform without ever having registered. They rightfully wonder WHO has shared their personal information with this third-party company without their consent?
- This raises serious concerns about Minto's dissemination of personal data, especially since only checks and payments via Rentcafe are now accepted as of February 1, 2023 (bank payments are no longer possible). The information transmitted to this third-party company is sensitive and confidential: WHO authorized Minto to transmit it? What guarantees are there in terms of personal information protection and fraud prevention? Who decided to prevent any other form of payment?
- How is it that I received advertising for TD insurance from Minto?
- Rent cafe: Personal information disclosed on the platform even if the tenant has not joined (Identity theft)

The Property Manager explains that Rent Café is a platform for paying rent, submitting service requests, and providing various information to tenants. They confirm that no personal information is transmitted to anyone. Tenant's personal data is protected. The Property Manager confirms that to be part of Rent Café, tenants who make this choice must give their consent, otherwise, they are not part of it. They note that some tenants have complained that their personal information has been disclosed, and they will investigate this and keep us informed. Regarding unsolicited ads that some tenants may have received via Rent Café, the Property Manager says it is possible because MINTO has certain agreements with companies allowing them to advertise on the Rent Café platform. They also specify that if a tenant receives unsolicited emails or ads, they should take a screenshot and send it by email for verification purposes.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.