Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal

Critical - resolve urgently
Unresolved - the problem remains ongoing
Problem Description:

The contractor retained last year must either be controlled or replaced. In addition to the safety risks for residents due to negligent snow removal in driveways and outdoor parking areas, snow removal has been particularly problematic since last year.

  • Salt must be systematically spread over the entire surface of the paved areas, both for everyone's safety and for the right of access to common areas and the enjoyment of rented spaces.
  • Snow removal must be done in a way that ensures the safety of tenants:

The Property Manager claims to have observed the poor work done by this contractor last winter; he received multiple complaints from tenants. He met with the contractor to discuss the requirements for snow removal. He mentioned that breaking a contract was difficult, there needed to be a progression in reprimands, and due to complaints about the quality of work and a new action and control plan being decided, if the work is unsatisfactory this winter, the contract will not be renewed.

8 Jan 2024: the work in the last removal was done better, this problem seems resolved for the moment.

14 Jan 2024: we noticed that the work is as badly done as before, so this problem is still ongoing.

Problem impact:

A tenant suffered a serious injury last year by slipping on one of the poorly de-iced sidewalks at Rockhill. Already a few things to take the contractor to task about this season.


Fear that the snow removal will continue to be inadequate this winter.

Resolution Criteria:

Paths around the buildings well cleared of snow.

Stairs cleared of snow.

Sidewalks not blocked.

Lampposts not broken with each new snowfall.


Time to change the snow removal service?

Space the indicator rods between the lampposts to prevent snowplows from deviating from the path between the lamps. Currently, these rods are attached next to the lampposts, providing no guidance for the driver. It would be much more useful halfway between the poles so that the driver can adjust their direction.

Repair the row of lampposts as soon as possible. It is completely out (behind building B).

Next steps:
  • The Property Manager will carefully monitor the quality of the work and replace the contractor if necessary.
  • The committee will gather testimonials from tenants this winter to ensure that the Property Manager is promptly informed of any issues so that he can take swift action with the contractor.

Update Dec 2023: Snow removal and de-icing are insufficient; contractors have already caused damage to lampposts and blocked the sidewalk. They must be notified to pay for the repairs and to do a better job with snow removal and de-icing.


Now that the last snow is behind us, the debris from what were still garden lamps last year are scattered all over the grounds, giving it a post-apocalyptic and neglected look that matches the presence of graffiti, cigarette butts, and mud. The administration tells us that decisions about suppliers are made in Ottawa, so they cannot decide whether or not to take them back next year. We are assured that very serious warnings have been given, however - which seems to indicate that they will have another chance to destroy the new lamps supposed to replace these.

The Rockhill Tenant Collective (RTC) has reported several issues with the current snow removal service, particularly that the snow removal operator does not follow the established pathways, causing damage to the grounds around buildings A and B, as well as around the fountains. They also mention that the equipment used (a 6-foot plow) is too wide for the sidewalks (6 and a half feet), inevitably leading to overspill and damage.

Administration Response:
Mr. Contarini, the Regional Director for Montreal, explains that a specific department in Ottawa is responsible for service contracts, and warnings have been sent to the snow removal service provider. He also notes that, given the end of the snow season, changes to the service provider could only be considered for the following year, despite a 30-day notice clause in the contract.

It seems that some of the concerns were not known to Mr. Contarini or Mrs. Guttman, the Assistant Manager at Rockhill, both of whom expressed their intention to document the problems reported by the CLR, including taking photos of the damage.

Root Cause and Possibility of Resolution:
The main cause of the problems mentioned appears to be the choice of equipment used for snow removal and the manner in which the operation is performed. The RTC suggestion to use a narrower plow and to reposition the marker stakes to better guide the driver could represent viable solutions.

No specific resolution plan was formalized during this meeting. The administration wishes to clarify that any concrete action, including changing the service provider, seems postponed to the next year. No specific timeframe for implementing suggestions or improvements is given, and it appears there are no specific conditions regarding the quality of work and the responsibility for damages that would cause them to change providers, despite the RTC's exhortations.

We were disappointed to see that the snow removal for the most recent snow storm was performed with the same problems as previously, without any improvements.

1. The sidewalks are blocked by snow bancs created by the snow removal. Access to the bus shelter is made very difficult.

Tractor backing up to pile on the snow

Accumulation of snow after snow removal

Pedestrians forced to walk in the slush of the street

Access to the bus shelter blocked

2. Several lampposts are broken following the snow removal. Worse, a complete row of lampposts is non-functional, which could be a major electrical issue.

Row of lampposts complete extinguished, of which the first is again off kilter

Lamppost flattened

The light still works but not the lid

The snow accumulations in the way of the tenants, the broken lampposts significantly reducing visibility in the evening, are recurring risks for tenants. Moreover, Rockhill must continually repair the broken lampposts and may potentially face fines from the city for their contractors obstructing the public side walk and shelter.

3. Snow is not being removed from the stairs behind building A:

We urge the Rockhill administration to change suppliers due to the complete lack of improvements, despite several warnings that have been given to them!

The snowplow operators working for Rockhill intentionally dump snow on the sidewalks around Rockhill, creating significant snowbanks that hinder pedestrian traffic.

Mothers are forced to go down into the street to pass with their strollers. This is unacceptable because this street is busy with cars generally going too fast!

Following the meeting where we discussed the poorly done snow removal work, we were hopeful that the guidelines established by the Property Manager would result in a better quality of work this winter. However, several aspects of the snow removal work are once again unacceptable, leading to significant disappointment among tenants:

  • The day after the first snowfall, the pathways to the common areas are not cleared of snow;
  • A large tractor hastily clears the snow, limiting itself to the large spaces that are accessible to it.
  • Even these areas are poorly cleared – slippery, cluttered, and dangerous.
  • On its FIRST day of service, this large tractor has already destroyed and damaged new lampposts.

Now, barely 2 weeks ago, we raised the issue of snow removal and specifically discussed this contractor with our property manager; you can read the report here.

TRACTOR TOO LARGE FOR THE INNER COURTYARD (damages landscaping and lampposts, small pedestrian pathways not cleared)

NEW LAMPPOST BREAKAGES (and non-compliance with signage: buried signage)

The negligent use of ill-suited equipment or lack of training results in damages that will be reflected in rent increases! And the time it will take to wait for repairs, the appearance of Rockhill suffers.

Lamppost leaning due to a mishap with the snowplow.

This lamppost is barely standing, and a portion of the sidewalk is broken.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.