Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

24 November 2023

Fire alarm systems installed on each floor for some time but covered with adhesive tape: Are they connected?

The Property Manager confirms that adhesive tape covers the alarm system boxes on each floor at the moment. It is pending the connection of the fire alarm system to a central alarm, they are waiting for a part for the activation.


24 November 2023

Non-functional cameras in the laundry room and the entrance hall (objects or clothing have already been stolen). The Property Manager confirms that several cameras are non-functional. A replacement project is underway.


24 November 2023

The lobby of Building B, in comparison to that of A, deserves more thorough care.

The Property Manager will come to assess it personally and make the necessary changes for improvement and beautification.


24 November 2023

Insects, cockroaches, and ants are present in many places.

According to the Property Manager, there has been a change in the maintenance of waste chutes; high-pressure washing is now regularly performed to prevent the proliferation of harmful insects. Complete eradication is impossible, he says, but controlling the infestation is, and that's why exterminators regularly come for preventive treatments. He will ask the exterminators to provide them with an informational document to send to all tenants in the form of a memo, explaining that it is best to avoid doing our own extermination treatments as it only exacerbates the insect proliferation.


24 November 2023

Currently, there is no follow-up on the work entrusted to contractors, and the maintenance staff is demobilized. The work given and performed by independent contractors paid through our rents is without quality control for the work carried out. Moreover, the building coordinators are never seen on-site, with very little direct contact with tenants, an abstract understanding, and inadequate comprehension of the concrete issues experienced in Block B. They do not conduct follow-ups, rarely assess the state of affairs, the progress of the work, or the final results, even though they coordinate these activities.

The Property Manager states that all contractors or workers assigned for a job have previously gone through control centers to verify their registration as official and compliant companies, meeting the competence and quality requirements of their work. They have all been checked and validated. Quality monitoring is ensured, but he explains that sometimes, due to the age of these buildings, unexpected issues may arise during the work, creating the impression that the job is poorly done. He takes note of complaints that coordinators are rarely seen on-site and lack contact, and he will investigate this issue to ensure improvement.


24 November 2023

The contractor retained last year must either be controlled or replaced. In addition to the safety risks for residents due to negligent snow removal in driveways and outdoor parking areas, snow removal has been particularly problematic since last year.

  • Salt must be systematically spread over the entire surface of the paved areas, both for everyone's safety and for the right of access to common areas and the enjoyment of rented spaces.
  • Snow removal must be done in a way that ensures the safety of tenants:

The Property Manager claims to have observed the poor work done by this contractor last winter; he received multiple complaints from tenants. He met with the contractor to discuss the requirements for snow removal. He mentioned that breaking a contract was difficult, there needed to be a progression in reprimands, and due to complaints about the quality of work and a new action and control plan being decided, if the work is unsatisfactory this winter, the contract will not be renewed.

8 Jan 2024: the work in the last removal was done better, this problem seems resolved for the moment.

14 Jan 2024: we noticed that the work is as badly done as before, so this problem is still ongoing.


24 November 2023

The Property Manager says that he will have it checked. Indeed, there was a break at the main door of our building last week, and it was promptly repaired. Moreover, just like in building A where the doors were replaced, there should be a renovation of our entry doors, but he did not provide a specific date. He will also check the garage access doors that are not locked and address the issue.


24 November 2023

The Property Manager says that the problem with the Fobs was fixed and the garage doors changed.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


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The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.