Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

01 December 2023

The Property Manager says that it is practically impossible for them to check everyone using these facilities, and it is the responsibility of each tenant not to open the door to people without a Fob. He says that if tenants notice that unauthorized individuals or groups are entering these areas, they should immediately notify the security guard who will come and check their right to access these places.


01 December 2023

Problematic outdoor parking: few spaces reserved for visitors - non-compliance with handicap spaces - No space for ambulances or fire trucks.

The Property Manager says that more rigorous monitoring is now in place, several fines have been issued, and will continue to be issued.


01 December 2023

- Two tenants are surprised and concerned to have received messages from the Rentcafe platform without ever having registered. They rightfully wonder WHO has shared their personal information with this third-party company without their consent?
- This raises serious concerns about Minto's dissemination of personal data, especially since only checks and payments via Rentcafe are now accepted as of February 1, 2023 (bank payments are no longer possible). The information transmitted to this third-party company is sensitive and confidential: WHO authorized Minto to transmit it? What guarantees are there in terms of personal information protection and fraud prevention? Who decided to prevent any other form of payment?
- How is it that I received advertising for TD insurance from Minto?
- Rent cafe: Personal information disclosed on the platform even if the tenant has not joined (Identity theft)

The Property Manager explains that Rent Café is a platform for paying rent, submitting service requests, and providing various information to tenants. They confirm that no personal information is transmitted to anyone. Tenant's personal data is protected. The Property Manager confirms that to be part of Rent Café, tenants who make this choice must give their consent, otherwise, they are not part of it. They note that some tenants have complained that their personal information has been disclosed, and they will investigate this and keep us informed. Regarding unsolicited ads that some tenants may have received via Rent Café, the Property Manager says it is possible because MINTO has certain agreements with companies allowing them to advertise on the Rent Café platform. They also specify that if a tenant receives unsolicited emails or ads, they should take a screenshot and send it by email for verification purposes.


01 December 2023

There is a lack of lighting in the outdoor courtyard along paths used to travel from the bus stop to the building, especially along the ramp for people with reduced mobility.

In addition to being a risk of tripping or slipping, it is a place that does not inspire confidence for people who have to return late.

Ramp towards the bus stop for people with reduced mobility

Sidewalk behind building A towards Côte-des-Neiges

Damage to a lamp


01 December 2023

The security guard must be reachable at all times outside of office hours - which is not the case, as the Minto number regularly directs us to voicemail. Moreover, given the nature of his responsibilities, one security guard is clearly insufficient for 1004 units in 6 outdated buildings.

Regarding being regularly directed to voicemail when tenants try to reach security, the Property Manager expressed strong surprise. He said that it should not be this way and immediately mentioned that he would send a notice to security regarding this complaint to clarify the reasons. He advises us to note each time we are redirected to voicemail, especially if it's an emergency: date and time of the call and report it to the administration. Regarding the issue of having only one security guard, Mr. Cao acknowledges the understaffing, expresses sensitivity to the matter, states that he has already raised this concern with his superiors, and will discuss it with them again.


27 November 2023

There is a large number of bicycles piled up on one of the sidewalks providing access to the building. This forces people to walk on the roadway, which is not as well cleared of snow. It poses a risk of injury due to the obstruction it represents for pedestrians. We recommend that Minto reuse one of the vacant spaces in the basement to have more indoor space that will not block the passage.

The Property Manager will send an employee for inspection and will issue a notice via memo for the owners of these abandoned bikes to remove them. They also inform me that an exterior beautification project is planned for this spring.


24 November 2023

No cleaning wipes to clean the equipment most of the time.

The Property Manager noted this and will address it immediately to remedy this lack of cleaning wipes.


24 November 2023

Broken equipment, not repaired for months.

The Property Manager: The equipment will be repaired as soon as possible. He also mentions that he has hired a technician who will ensure the proper functioning of all gym equipment regularly.


24 November 2023

The windows need to be washed again. This should be a periodically scheduled activity.


24 November 2023

The sound tests for the fire alarm that were supposed to take place regularly have not been conducted for several months. The Property Manager assures us that a daily inspection, with a supporting report, is carried out to ensure the proper functioning of the alarm system, so there is no concern in that regard. Regarding the sound tests, he will inquire, but he believes that due to this daily inspection, these tests will no longer be necessary. He assures me that their alarm system complies with fire prevention standards.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.