Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

15 February 2024

The snow has melted, but the broken lampposts continue to lie abandonned on the ground. We must conclude that either no one is checking the condition of the grounds, or there are no instructions to pick up broken things, let alone repair them.


08 February 2024

Power has been restored to the lights behind building A. However the illumination is still insufficient especially in the stairs and the ramp.


05 February 2024

This meeting had been postponed by two weeks and finally took place on February 6, 2024. A second meeting will be held in two weeks to continue the discussion. Mr. Carmelo Contarini, Regional Director, and Mr. Eric Cao, Property Manager, were present.

  • 2024 Renewals: a 4.5% increase for those whose lease begins in May. The official figure has not been released yet - see the more detailed article on the increases.
  • Notices and billing errors: Mr. Contarini will discuss with the Ottawa team for better coordination and not to rush into notices too quickly. For example, maintaining a record of overdue accounts, and the first time an account appears, conduct a verification with the Montreal team. In case of doubt, modify the letter so that it does not imply legal action but rather a matter to be discussed with the administration. To be continued.
  • Discussion about people being asked for unattributed sums - the system needs to be reviewed, or training. Mr. Contarini will review these cases with Mr. Cao to understand what is happening.
  • When writing to the service department, it does not go to a specific person. Generally, the dispatches come from Ottawa. The procedure will be improved.
  • Uncovered electronic equipment: there are long-term works, but they admit that without enclosures, there could be damage. Mr. Cao will follow up with the maintenance chief.
  • Neglected lobby appearance: a project is underway to improve the lobby's appearance, replacing old sofas and tables in 2024. Immediate measures will be taken for the raised issues.
  • Problem with lines for handicap parking: not possible to repaint before the snow melts, but the guards will issue warnings.
  • Visitor parking in front of Building B: for now, these spaces are requisitioned for contractors, probably until summer. So visitors must go to one of the other parking lots.

05 February 2024

At a meeting with the Rockhill administration, the RTC obtained the following information:

"Minto sends rent increase notices from 3 to 6 months before the end of the leases. The administration determines a single rate for all apartments, taking into account the formula documented on the TAL website. The Ottawa team determines the rate and sends the notifications by bailiff.
Minto is open to negociating the increase with the tenants by appointment. Since the tenant's response must be provided within a month after receiving the increase notification (30 days) it is recommended to request an appointment at the earliest opportunity.
The state of the dwelling isn't one of the criterias that the TAL uses to determine the increase, according to the "règlement sur les critères de fixation de loyer". The administration is open to discuss it but the matter of rental increase is one of long term investment. In general this is the kind of question that should be resolved during the year. Therefore we will review case by case. "
-- Carmelo Contarini, Directeur Régional, Minto

Last week a Minto representative confirmed that the increases for the leases starting in May had been sent at the end of January with an increase of 4.5% so this is likely to be the same number for the rest.

The TAL proposes a calculation incorporating the building revenue, taxes, insurance, cost of energy, cost of maintance and repaires to determine a fair increase. (See the website of the TAL for an explanation of the user of the Consumer Price Index to determine the component increases). However it is often impossible for a tenant to obtain the necessary numbers such as revenues and expenses which makes the evaluation difficult to perform.

A spreadsheet has been prepared with the informations provided by the Minto quarterly reports and made available to all that are interested in doing this calculation. More information on how to obtain the other inputs yourself will be forthcoming shortly.

M. Contarini informed us that he would be receiving the increase soon and will inform us right away. After bringing up the difficulty for a tenant to estimate all of the numbers required in the formula and showing him our spreadsheet prepared with the publicly available information, M. Contarini agreed to make public the numbers required for the 2024 calculation, and which would eventually be used if the increase were contested, so that everyone could make up their own analysis as to whether the increase was reasonable.

A lessor is not obliged to share this type of information. Usually they are only provided after having refused the increase and started the fixation process. In 2024, only those that refused the increases received the information, as prescribed by law. Having these informations during this renewal period will allow us to make a better informed decision, whether one finds the increase reasonable or not.


05 February 2024

The signs labeled 'Reserved for Visitors' have been removed. Does this mean that no visitors can park at Rockhill?

In practical terms, what does this mean? Who is authorized? Facing the wall that overlooks the tennis courts, in front of building A, it is marked 'Reserved Rockhill' and 'All unauthorized vehicles will be towed.' Who can park in this area? Who can reserve?

February 5 2024: The administration confirms that visitor parking spaces have been removed to allow contractors to park there. However, two spaces are already occupied by the snowplow tractor, which means there are no parking spaces available until at least this summer.


05 February 2024

There are braille floor numbers missing for a long time.

Missing braille floor numbers


04 February 2024

Torn and faded cushions


Non-functional fireplace

Notice stuck with a very big tape on the door window

Very dusty carpet

Equipment with no casing

Garbage can missing a lid

Service panel open and dented in the exit hallway

Drop-off box for Renaissance that is never closed


04 February 2024

In several places electronic equipment is left without any covering.

15th floor

4th floor

2nd floor

Front door sensor with no casing

rear door sensor (non-functional)


04 February 2024

The lampposts broken during snow removal are still not repaired or even collected, despite being in pieces and with exposed electrical wires.

Lamp holding on by electric wire

Lamp on the ground, its parts next to it

Lampe torn off base and with wires apparent

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.