Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Category: Fire Alarm

27 May 2024

The RTC obtained the incident report for the fire on April 30, 2024, provided by the Clerk's Office of the City of Montreal. Unfortunately only the french document was provided however we translated the most interesting parts below.

Relevant details:

  • The fire chief determined that the fire was caused by a cigarette thrown into the garbage container.
  • A sprinkler activated.
  • An alarm system connected to a central unit activated.
  • The smoke detector activated.
  • The first firefighters were called at 9:10 AM and took 4 minutes and 41 seconds to arrive on site.
  • Upon departure, the firefighters informed the dispatch center that the alarms raised by the system and the sprinklers were non-urgent, likely because they had difficulty stopping them (as described by eyewitnesses). The firefighters instructed Minto officials to call the alarm company for verification.


  • The source of the fire was minor but demonstrates that cigarette use is poorly controlled; cameras in strategic locations in the garage would help maintain the security of the premises.
  • The alarm system and sprinklers operated, which is reassuring.
  • The firefighters had to ask Minto to have the alarm and sprinklers checked. Is this related to incidents that occurred early in the morning, twice since the fire?

Additionally, witnesses mentioned that the new speaker system was not working, and residents were unsure whether it was a drill or a real incident.

The Collective has requested that tenants be informed of the status of the alarm project, especially since the old communication system was removed while the new one does not seem fully operational yet.


18 March 2024

The wires of the alarm system continue to be exposed, all the while system tests are being performed.


17 March 2024

Alarm inspection in Building B: Issues were raised regarding the alarm inspection process, including legal compliance, coordination, and the impact on tenants. Suggestions for improvement included better planning, communication, and apologies to the tenants.


04 February 2024

In several places electronic equipment is left without any covering.

15th floor

4th floor

2nd floor

Front door sensor with no casing

rear door sensor (non-functional)


14 January 2024

A fire alarm triggered shortly after midnight on January 1 raises questions among tenants:

  • When security was contacted during the alarm, the guard was not aware that the alarm was sounding.
  • No communication through the loudspeakers, either to encourage tenants to evacuate or to announce the end of the alert.
  • Tenants notice that many fire alarm stations remain non-functional and covered with tape. Does this lack of connection explain why security was not aware?

Tenants are concerned about this incident.


24 November 2023

The sound tests for the fire alarm that were supposed to take place regularly have not been conducted for several months. The Property Manager assures us that a daily inspection, with a supporting report, is carried out to ensure the proper functioning of the alarm system, so there is no concern in that regard. Regarding the sound tests, he will inquire, but he believes that due to this daily inspection, these tests will no longer be necessary. He assures me that their alarm system complies with fire prevention standards.


24 November 2023

Fire alarm systems installed on each floor for some time but covered with adhesive tape: Are they connected?

The Property Manager confirms that adhesive tape covers the alarm system boxes on each floor at the moment. It is pending the connection of the fire alarm system to a central alarm, they are waiting for a part for the activation.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.