Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Category: Parking

27 May 2024

The number of outdoor parking spaces reserved for Minto has grown and now represents nearly 50% of the spaces for buildings A and B. The administration told us in February that these spaces were for contractors, yet they are mostly occupied even on weekends when no work is being done, while the need for visitor parking spaces becomes more urgent.


27 May 2024

The parking space boundaries have been repainted, but in a way that shows a lack of understanding of how the lines should be used.

According to the Office des Personnes Handicapées du Québec, in addition to having clear designations that the spaces are reserved for people with disabilities, it is recommended to mark a side access aisle between the spaces.


In a parking area adjacent to a building, the "Building" chapter of the Building Code requires the layout of oversized spaces, with a minimum width of 2.4 meters, bordered by a side access aisle of 1.5 meters in width along their entire length. This aisle can be shared between two spaces. The following diagrams show adequate ways to layout parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities.

The intention is to create a space between parked cars, allowing people with reduced mobility enough room to get out of their vehicle.

However, instead of creating a side aisle between cars, the painters simply used up the space within the disabled parking spot at the edge of the parking area. In addition to not helping to create the useful space, these markings are confusing for drivers who won't understand why they can't park in this part of the space in order to avoid being too close to the car on the left.

Aisle bordering the pedestrian crossing instead of being between cars

Beginning of aisle to the right instead of being between cars


21 February 2024

During the discussion with the administration, the CLR argued that the snowplow tractor and equipment occupy two parking spots in front of building B, and visitor parking spots have been assigned to contractors. A few years ago, Rockhill tenants received a 2% rent reduction because the pool was closed. It's not written in the lease, but it's part of the factors considered for value, so having visitor parking is in the same vein. Therefore, there's a risk that tenants might ask for a reduction for these parking spots. The administration could place the equipment on the sidewalk and put the tractor in one of the other parking spots that has more room.

The Regional Director explains that Sylvia Guttman, Assistant Building Manager, is in charge of parking and takes note to find a solution.


05 February 2024

The signs labeled 'Reserved for Visitors' have been removed. Does this mean that no visitors can park at Rockhill?

In practical terms, what does this mean? Who is authorized? Facing the wall that overlooks the tennis courts, in front of building A, it is marked 'Reserved Rockhill' and 'All unauthorized vehicles will be towed.' Who can park in this area? Who can reserve?

February 5 2024: The administration confirms that visitor parking spaces have been removed to allow contractors to park there. However, two spaces are already occupied by the snowplow tractor, which means there are no parking spaces available until at least this summer.


22 December 2023

The yellow lines around the handicapped parking spaces in the parking lot have been erased and in winter they are covered in snow. It happens that disabled individuals cannot enter their vehicles when another car parks too close. Security cannot issue fines due to the lack of visibility of the boundaries.


20 December 2023

The door to S1 near the garage entrance (not far from the pool) is not locked.

The door to S2 is not locked.


20 December 2023

Significant potholes have developed at the entrance of the garage. This is a situation that has occurred in previous years.

Asphalt work was carried out by the administration, reducing the depth of the potholes, but there is still a depression at that location.


18 December 2023

The fines seem to have dealt with illegally parked cars along the road, as well as those unauthorized for the limited visitor parking spaces.

However, a large snow blower consistently occupies 2 visitor spaces. Given the challenging situation due to the very limited visitor parking spaces, the Rockhill administration should park this vehicle elsewhere instead of reducing the availability of this service.


01 December 2023

Problematic outdoor parking: few spaces reserved for visitors - non-compliance with handicap spaces - No space for ambulances or fire trucks.

The Property Manager says that more rigorous monitoring is now in place, several fines have been issued, and will continue to be issued.


24 November 2023

The Property Manager says that he will have it checked. Indeed, there was a break at the main door of our building last week, and it was promptly repaired. Moreover, just like in building A where the doors were replaced, there should be a renovation of our entry doors, but he did not provide a specific date. He will also check the garage access doors that are not locked and address the issue.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


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The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.