Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


All Articles

17 March 2024

Alarm inspection in Building B: Issues were raised regarding the alarm inspection process, including legal compliance, coordination, and the impact on tenants. Suggestions for improvement included better planning, communication, and apologies to the tenants.


16 March 2024

At the end of friday the 15h of march 2024, the three elevators in Building A were not functionning properly:

Elevator 1: stopped on the 20th floor, reason unknown

Elevator 2: out of service, administration advised they are waiting for parts

Elevator 3: problem with elevator buttons resetting themselves when under way, requiring people to reenter their floors every time this happens

In building B, apart from elevator 2 which is stopped waiting for parts, there have been several incidents where all three elevators were out of service (March 13 and January 15 in 2024, several days in summer 2023).

In building C, one of the two elevators was failing last year, leaving tenants with only one elevator on several occasions.

In building E, one of the elevators is out of service waiting for parts.

Given how critical elevators are, and various problems happening in several buildings, with a history of problems last year, wouldn't it make sense for person overseeing elevator maintenance to explain to us the nature of the problems, the plans and timelines for putting in place the measures that would ensure stability?

Otherwise it may be a case where tenants can claim that the administration isn't meeting its obligation to provide this service and could well decide they have cause for asking for compensation. It's doubtful that a case could be made that this is due to "force majeure" absolving Minto of responsibility, given the ongoing issues and the length of the period. Actions like this week's building B alarm integration test recalling all elevators in a busy period of the day tend to show the lack of sufficient expertise, even when the equipment is not broken.

The customer / supplier relationship is based on trust, but when insufficient information is provided to us and there are repeated ongoing issues, it's hard to believe the people overseeing actually understand just how critical the elevator service is, and what it will take to have something reliable. It's really the whole basis upon which people can live at the Rockhill, considering the size of the buildings.


09 March 2024

On Friday, March 8, 2024, in the late afternoon, several tenants of building F were assaulted by pungent and toxic chemical fumes.

The security guard was contacted, but since the administration had left for the weekend and the guard was not informed of the work being carried out, there was nothing he could do except send a report to his superior, the building manager.

Contacted by one of the tenants who was at their wit's end due to the intense and irritating smell, the CLR sent an email to the Rockhill managers. Fortunately, Mr. Contarini, the Regional Director of Minto Apartments for Montreal, quickly responded and sent the building manager, who had the necessary information to resolve the situation. It was caused by a contractor who had applied varnish in one of the apartments without ensuring adequate ventilation, especially in winter because it is more complicated to ensure good ventilation due to the cold outside which could potentially affect the water pipes.


04 March 2024

The Rockhill Tenants Collective witnessed a tremendous turnout at their Monday evening meeting, indicating a heightened community engagement. The collective was heartened by the mix of returning attendees and new faces, a testament to the community’s solidarity and commitment. There were many comments reflecting the value in bringing together a diverse group of tenants united by common interests.

Central to the meeting was the pressing topic of rent increases, particularly affecting leases renewing at the end of April and renewing May 1st, which are subject to a 4.5% hike. This amount stands in stark contrast to renewals in June and July, which the administration has said were calculated at 6.74% but are effectively 5.95%. Clarifications were made regarding September renewals, emphasizing that increases determined by the Tribunal Administratif du Logement are based on the calendar year and not the fiscal year, dispelling misconceptions and confirming that tenants will face the same rate increase should they seek recourse through the fixation process. Tenants were urged to ask the administration for explanations.

The tenants voiced their frustration with the opaque nature of financial communications from the property management. Despite assurances of transparency, crucial data on rent increments remains undisclosed, leaving tenants in a state of unease and uncertainty.

The collective acknowledges that while rent increases are a natural aspect of the housing market, the willingness of tenants to adapt is contingent on the quality of services provided, the maintenance of the property, and the overall respect shown to them. There is a clear consensus that the current administration has fallen short in these areas.

A question was raised as to the relationship between the Collective and another organization called the Rockhill Residents Association. There is no relationship and the two groups have different purposes. The Collective is a a group of tenants volunteering to help each other by sharing information and engaging with management, without any formal membership or fees. The collective aims to be a space for exchange and discussions among residents with the goal of promoting the resolution of local housing issues, community spirit, and overall well-being.

The Rockhill Residents Association (ARR) is an incorporated non-profit organization whose goal is to protect the rights and interests of its members, financed by annual membership fees. On their website, the ARR indicate that "Our main mandate is to maintain yearly rent increases at a fair and reasonable rate (increases up by 21% over 10 years) and to claim financial compensations for trouble and inconveniences suffered from major construction works still ongoing."

This meeting has solidified the Rockhill Tenants Collective's resolve to advocate for better living conditions and transparent communication from property management. The collective stands united and continues to strive for an environment where respect and quality service form the cornerstone of their tenancy.


03 March 2024

The RTC met with Rockhill's administration on February 21, 2024. This article presents what was discussed at that meeting.


01 March 2024

The RTC met with the Rockhill administration on February 21st 2024. During this meeting, Mr. Contarini, the Montreal area Director for Minto Apartments, announced a hefty 5.95% increase for renewals on June 1st and July 1st. However, the renewals on May 1st were increased by 4.5%, which was the same amount requested in 2023.


22 February 2024

Les alentours de l'immeuble B ont une apparence négligée.

Le déneigement transforme les


22 February 2024

Given the lack of parking spaces, the tractor and related equipment should be placed elsewhere

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.