Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Category: Management of Work

01 June 2024

The CLR compiled the results of the bilingual survey that was distributed in the mailboxes of all apartments in the complex. To ensure the best possible representation of all buildings, responses collected in person (door-to-door) were added to the spontaneous responses (returns of completed questionnaires), in an approximate proportion of 50%-50%.

235 tenants, nearly a quarter of all tenants, if the vacancy rate is not considered, responded to the survey between April 6 and May 6, 2024.

Click here to obtain the complete analysis report.


27 May 2024

In the summer of 2023, a project to refurbish the balconies of building F was initiated by the administration, after having completed those of building E. A year later, the work continues amidst dust, noise, and a lack of transparency, raising fears for other planned work by Minto.


14 April 2024

Now that the last snow is behind us, the debris from what were still garden lamps last year are scattered all over the grounds, giving it a post-apocalyptic and neglected look that matches the presence of graffiti, cigarette butts, and mud. The administration tells us that decisions about suppliers are made in Ottawa, so they cannot decide whether or not to take them back next year. We are assured that very serious warnings have been given, however - which seems to indicate that they will have another chance to destroy the new lamps supposed to replace these.


12 April 2024

Since the beginning of the year, we have had numerous elevator breakdowns in multiple buildings:

  • 1st August to today - A 1 elevator
  • 31 July to today - B 1 elevator
  • 24 July A -all elevators
  • 28 May A - all elevators
  • 27 May F - all elevators
  • 9 May F - one elevator
  • 30 April B #3
  • 24 April F all elevators
  • 12 April A #2 #3
  • 9 April B #3
  • 5 April B #3
  • 4 April B #2
  • 2 April B #2 et #3
  • 1 April B #2 et #3
  • 28 March B #1 et #2
  • 27 March B #1 et #2
  • 26 March B #2
  • 22 March A #2
  • 19 March B #2
  • 18 March B #1 #2 #3 (voluntary shutdown in broad daylight)
  • 16 March: A #2, B #2, E #2
  • 13 March B #2

This abundance of failures creates some confusion in the information. It's never certain which elevators are operational at any given time, given the frequency of breakdowns. The information about the cause of the breakdowns is not transparent, but it seems that since the connection of the new alarm system, the breakdowns have become more frequent.

There have been failures of elevators in the past, as with any mechanical devices.However, since the beginning of 2023, breakdowns have occurred at a frequency never seen before, which can only be understood as the result of a change in maintenance and management conditions, the visible proof of which is the neglected appearance of the interiors, including the long-standing and never repaired vandalism of panels and buttons.

A 20-story building without an elevator is like an airplane without engines or a grocery store without electricity: it's not a viable business. For people to live here, Minto must urgently restore stability to the elevators!


11 April 2024

The entrance door of garage A was replaced with a new door on January 31. Since then, the door has been out of order almost half of the time:

  • April 9 (not yet repaired)
  • February 22 - March 18

This situation raises doubts about the selection of the door supplier, the quality of the new door, and the supervision during its installation.


18 March 2024

The wires of the alarm system continue to be exposed, all the while system tests are being performed.


17 March 2024

Alarm inspection in Building B: Issues were raised regarding the alarm inspection process, including legal compliance, coordination, and the impact on tenants. Suggestions for improvement included better planning, communication, and apologies to the tenants.


09 March 2024

On Friday, March 8, 2024, in the late afternoon, several tenants of building F were assaulted by pungent and toxic chemical fumes.

The security guard was contacted, but since the administration had left for the weekend and the guard was not informed of the work being carried out, there was nothing he could do except send a report to his superior, the building manager.

Contacted by one of the tenants who was at their wit's end due to the intense and irritating smell, the CLR sent an email to the Rockhill managers. Fortunately, Mr. Contarini, the Regional Director of Minto Apartments for Montreal, quickly responded and sent the building manager, who had the necessary information to resolve the situation. It was caused by a contractor who had applied varnish in one of the apartments without ensuring adequate ventilation, especially in winter because it is more complicated to ensure good ventilation due to the cold outside which could potentially affect the water pipes.


21 February 2024

During the meeting with the administration on February 21, 2024, the CLR raised a coordination issue that makes it difficult to discuss rent increases.

The administration encouraged tenants to negotiate their renewals if they are not satisfied. However, there is a lack of organization that makes the process complicated and frustrating.

A tenant tried to schedule an appointment for her renewal. She called but had to leave a message on voicemail because no one answered. Someone called from Ottawa but did not speak French. Anyway, she was only calling to say that she would pass the message to someone in Montreal the next day. The day after next, as no one had called her back, she tried again and managed to speak to someone and schedule an appointment. When she showed up for the appointment, the Minto representative was not aware of it, but she received her anyway. The tenant obtained a reduction, but more importantly, a promise regarding the renewal conditions given her personal situation. However, the administration's representative refused to put this promise in writing. The tenant left with only the financial aspect in writing and experienced stress regarding other aspects of her lease. The lack of organization will create frustration, and people will simply show up at the office without an appointment if nothing is done.

The Regional Director will talk to the team to ensure that everyone uses shared calendars. He also agrees that promises should be put in writing, and if approval is required, then a follow-up will be done within 48 hours after the discussion to confirm the promise in writing.


21 February 2024

During the meeting on February 21, 2024, the RTC brought up a particularly difficult point regarding communications.

Several emails had been sent since the last meeting, but the administration had not followed up on them, including those concerning electrical wires. Is this a sign of not wanting to respond or not having the time to respond?

The Regional Director assures that it was because there was not enough time.

The RTC mentions that if it's a matter of time, then it seems certain that it's necessary to request additional resources or to optimize processes.

The administration explains that they will indeed hire people to help, and that the assistant manager will be able to assist in the short term. They will be included in emails and meetings.

The RTC agrees that hiring someone who will be able to read client communications and coordinate with the team will be very beneficial, in order to be able to receive a response within 24 to 48 hours (and not just an automated one). When no response is forthcoming, it's assumed that the email was classified as low priority, especially since the emails in question were more informational in nature and not contentious, so would have been easy to respond to. Surely, understanding client questions, gathering information, and responding takes time, and if this time is not currently available, then it makes the problem critical.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.