Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal

Presence of Insects in Many Places

Critical - resolve urgently
Unresolved - the problem remains ongoing
Problem Description:

Insects, cockroaches, and ants are present in many places.

According to the Property Manager, there has been a change in the maintenance of waste chutes; high-pressure washing is now regularly performed to prevent the proliferation of harmful insects. Complete eradication is impossible, he says, but controlling the infestation is, and that's why exterminators regularly come for preventive treatments. He will ask the exterminators to provide them with an informational document to send to all tenants in the form of a memo, explaining that it is best to avoid doing our own extermination treatments as it only exacerbates the insect proliferation.

Next steps:
  • The Property Manager will provide a document for the tenants.
  • The committee will check with the tenants to see if they have noticed an improvement following the new measures.

Des coquerelles ont été vues dans les portes des ascenseurs du F et du B. Elles utilisent les ascenseurs pour monter à d'autres étages.

The administration recently distributed traps to residents of buildings D and E to detect the quantity of cockroaches present. There were already traps in building F for many months, often well filled:

There were so many friday that the extermination company had to hurriedly take them away without leaving any replacements!

Once more, litter ont the ground due to insufficient garbage bins after this area was just washed, creating a breeding ground for vermin:

Several living and dead cockroaches were spotted at the elevator entrace of building D in SS2:

Click here to see it in action

The same day, a visit in the F revealed a trap with cockroaches in it:

L'administration, avisée de cette présence, à indiqué qu'elle allait demander à la compagnie d'exterminateurs, de faire un traitement plus extensif de cet endroit. Nous avons indiqué qu'il s'agit d'un signe superficiel d'une infestation plus grave.

The administration, advised of this presence, indicated that it would ask the exterminators to treat this area more extensively. We advised them that it was a superficial signal of a deeper infestation.

For the past 2 years, sanitation has been deteriorating, which is evidenced by the increased presence of insects and now rats.

Cockroaches and others are attracted to the waste bins that were cleaned daily in the past but are now barely cleaned weekly, allowing large swarms to form.

The trash bins are insufficient to contain the overflowing waste that ends up on the ground, attracting vermin.

The practice of circulating bins between buildings allows the infestation to spread from one building to another.

An extermination company comes in a preventive mode to set and examine traps to diagnose the quantity of insects.

However, the company told us that, despite the abundant presence of cockroaches in the traps (from building F in these examples) indicating a serious infestation, Minto chooses not to spend money to exterminate the insects, and residents must live with it.

And indeed, as indicated by the traps, cockroaches can be seen in many places in building F.

The presence of rats is an advanced sign of a lack of sanitation. In 20 years, this is the first year we have reached this point.

After an absence of a few weeks, a tenant came back to her appartment to find an infestation of insects

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


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The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.