Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal

Critical - resolve urgently
New - for discussion with the administration
Problem Description:

The entrance door of garage A was replaced with a new door on January 31. Since then, the door has been out of order almost half of the time:

  • April 9 (not yet repaired)
  • February 22 - March 18

This situation raises doubts about the selection of the door supplier, the quality of the new door, and the supervision during its installation.

Problem impact:

Exit and entry via the same route, which is a risk of congestion and potentially of collision.

  • There is a risk that malicious people might take advantage of this to break into the garage and buildings (as the doors are not locked, for example, for building B).
  • Exit and entry via the same route, which is a risk of congestion and potentially of collision.
Open Questions:
  • What is the nature of the damage?
  • What are the selection criteria for choosing the door?
  • Is it a new supplier?
  • How does Minto oversee the installation and repair of the door?
Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.