Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal

Emails sent to the administration are not being answered

Important - greatly affects quality of life
Under review - the administration must study the problem to find a resolution
Problem Description:

During the meeting on February 21, 2024, the RTC brought up a particularly difficult point regarding communications.

Several emails had been sent since the last meeting, but the administration had not followed up on them, including those concerning electrical wires. Is this a sign of not wanting to respond or not having the time to respond?

The Regional Director assures that it was because there was not enough time.

The RTC mentions that if it's a matter of time, then it seems certain that it's necessary to request additional resources or to optimize processes.

The administration explains that they will indeed hire people to help, and that the assistant manager will be able to assist in the short term. They will be included in emails and meetings.

The RTC agrees that hiring someone who will be able to read client communications and coordinate with the team will be very beneficial, in order to be able to receive a response within 24 to 48 hours (and not just an automated one). When no response is forthcoming, it's assumed that the email was classified as low priority, especially since the emails in question were more informational in nature and not contentious, so would have been easy to respond to. Surely, understanding client questions, gathering information, and responding takes time, and if this time is not currently available, then it makes the problem critical.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.