Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Category: Quality of Service

01 December 2023

The security guard must be reachable at all times outside of office hours - which is not the case, as the Minto number regularly directs us to voicemail. Moreover, given the nature of his responsibilities, one security guard is clearly insufficient for 1004 units in 6 outdated buildings.

Regarding being regularly directed to voicemail when tenants try to reach security, the Property Manager expressed strong surprise. He said that it should not be this way and immediately mentioned that he would send a notice to security regarding this complaint to clarify the reasons. He advises us to note each time we are redirected to voicemail, especially if it's an emergency: date and time of the call and report it to the administration. Regarding the issue of having only one security guard, Mr. Cao acknowledges the understaffing, expresses sensitivity to the matter, states that he has already raised this concern with his superiors, and will discuss it with them again.


24 November 2023

No cleaning wipes to clean the equipment most of the time.

The Property Manager noted this and will address it immediately to remedy this lack of cleaning wipes.


24 November 2023

Broken equipment, not repaired for months.

The Property Manager: The equipment will be repaired as soon as possible. He also mentions that he has hired a technician who will ensure the proper functioning of all gym equipment regularly.


24 November 2023

Fire alarm systems installed on each floor for some time but covered with adhesive tape: Are they connected?

The Property Manager confirms that adhesive tape covers the alarm system boxes on each floor at the moment. It is pending the connection of the fire alarm system to a central alarm, they are waiting for a part for the activation.


24 November 2023

The lobby of Building B, in comparison to that of A, deserves more thorough care.

The Property Manager will come to assess it personally and make the necessary changes for improvement and beautification.


24 November 2023

Currently, there is no follow-up on the work entrusted to contractors, and the maintenance staff is demobilized. The work given and performed by independent contractors paid through our rents is without quality control for the work carried out. Moreover, the building coordinators are never seen on-site, with very little direct contact with tenants, an abstract understanding, and inadequate comprehension of the concrete issues experienced in Block B. They do not conduct follow-ups, rarely assess the state of affairs, the progress of the work, or the final results, even though they coordinate these activities.

The Property Manager states that all contractors or workers assigned for a job have previously gone through control centers to verify their registration as official and compliant companies, meeting the competence and quality requirements of their work. They have all been checked and validated. Quality monitoring is ensured, but he explains that sometimes, due to the age of these buildings, unexpected issues may arise during the work, creating the impression that the job is poorly done. He takes note of complaints that coordinators are rarely seen on-site and lack contact, and he will investigate this issue to ensure improvement.


24 November 2023

We felt a desire for collaboration ,and observed communication efforts from our administration in the immediate aftermath of the submission of our petition, but the improvement has NOT been sustained. Many tenants complain about not receiving callbacks or messages, or receiving inadequate or confusing responses, without results. It creates a lot of unnecessary frustration.

Serious problems persist in terms of communication, both with tenants and with employees and suppliers. The administration MUST realize that it operates in the housing sector and has legal and moral obligations to the people who live here. It persists in acting with a mix of stubborn lack of responsiveness, and thoughtless haste.

Regional Director Contarini, during our first meeting (12.09.23), informed us that he would already require that every Friday, the coordinators send him, by email, a report of all communications and responses made to tenant requests. Since Regional Director Contarini was not present at our meeting today, it will be imperative, at our next meeting in a month, to discuss this again to assess whether these changes have indeed resulted in an improvement in communications and follow-ups.

The Property Manager takes this into account and only aims for improvement in communications. He says he is the first to suffer the consequences of these poor communications. Tenants are getting frustrated and angry, which seriously bothers him in his work. So, like all of us, he aims for improvement as soon as possible. He has changed the entire telephone system for all members of the administration to more efficient devices. Each employee now has a headset for better handling of phone exchanges. Unfortunately the problem is not technological: it is not caused by mishearing the sounds of the people speaking but not using active listening, empathy and a sense of urgency when discussing problems with the tenants.


04 September 2023

Two out of the three elevators in block B have been out of service for months, and on several occasions, the third one has also broken down.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.