Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Key Issue: Cleanliness

The dirty or damaged appearance of several common areas in Rockhill is a nuisance for all tenants as they have to live with it on a daily basis.

The "broken windows" effect is well-known: when a building looks neglected, it encourages further acts of vandalism and worse, as presented in the March 1982 article "Broken Windows" from The Atlantic Monthly:

"Social psychologists and police officers tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken. This is as true in nice neighborhoods as in rundown ones. Window-breaking does not necessarily occur on a large scale because some areas are inhabited by determined window-breakers whereas others are populated by window-lovers; rather, one unrepaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing."

It is therefore important to rectify these issues as soon as possible to avoid encouraging a general sense of neglect and antisocial behaviors that can make the complex unlivable for tenants seeking a quiet life beneficial to their physical and mental health.

14 April 2024

Now that the last snow is behind us, the debris from what were still garden lamps last year are scattered all over the grounds, giving it a post-apocalyptic and neglected look that matches the presence of graffiti, cigarette butts, and mud. The administration tells us that decisions about suppliers are made in Ottawa, so they cannot decide whether or not to take them back next year. We are assured that very serious warnings have been given, however - which seems to indicate that they will have another chance to destroy the new lamps supposed to replace these.


14 April 2024

Graffiti that appeared more than a month ago on the walls of Rockhill has still not been cleaned up, contributing to the neglected appearance of the grounds and raising concerns about the presence of people with anti-social behavior on the premises.

One of the graffiti was made on the wall next to the security office, which seems to indicate a laxity with respect to illicit activities happening right under the nose of security.

Another graffiti was observed near the main entrance of building C - as a welcome for those coming to the rental office?

It is recognized that the lack of urgency in making repairs and cleaning the property encourages antisocial behaviors and contributes to the frustration and feeling of insecurity among tenants who must see this deterioration every day with no apparent interest from the administration.

For Minto REIT, whose business model consists of buying rental properties and increasing their value through improvements to the buildings and apartments, it is contradictory to allow the deterioration of common areas and infrastructures to accumulate.

The administration must act immediately to send a clear signal that such misdemeanors will not be tolerated, to avoid the complex to start having the appearance of a hang-out for a street gang!


13 April 2024

In 2023, the administration decided to paint the anodized aluminum frame of the entrance to building A. This is unheard of in construction, including for the crew that did the painting.

So far this was painted twice, because the appearance rapidly becomes degraded as per the following image which suggests that it will need to be painted again soon.


09 March 2024

On Friday, March 8, 2024, in the late afternoon, several tenants of building F were assaulted by pungent and toxic chemical fumes.

The security guard was contacted, but since the administration had left for the weekend and the guard was not informed of the work being carried out, there was nothing he could do except send a report to his superior, the building manager.

Contacted by one of the tenants who was at their wit's end due to the intense and irritating smell, the CLR sent an email to the Rockhill managers. Fortunately, Mr. Contarini, the Regional Director of Minto Apartments for Montreal, quickly responded and sent the building manager, who had the necessary information to resolve the situation. It was caused by a contractor who had applied varnish in one of the apartments without ensuring adequate ventilation, especially in winter because it is more complicated to ensure good ventilation due to the cold outside which could potentially affect the water pipes.


22 February 2024

Les alentours de l'immeuble B ont une apparence négligée.

Le déneigement transforme les


21 February 2024

The CLR asked the Rockhill administration why the employee sent to pick up the lamp post that was knocked over on the path and crushed by the snowplow, left its lamp a few steps away on the path, and did not bother to pick up other lamp posts that were dangerously leaning. The administration had not followed up and was surprised by this blatant lack of judgment, and promised to discuss this with the maintenance department.


15 February 2024

The snow has melted, but the broken lampposts continue to lie abandonned on the ground. We must conclude that either no one is checking the condition of the grounds, or there are no instructions to pick up broken things, let alone repair them.


04 February 2024

Torn and faded cushions


Non-functional fireplace

Notice stuck with a very big tape on the door window

Very dusty carpet

Equipment with no casing

Garbage can missing a lid

Service panel open and dented in the exit hallway

Drop-off box for Renaissance that is never closed


14 January 2024

It is observed that the pool usage rules are not enforced or should be put in place to improve security and cleanliness

  • Some tenants have interacted with non-residents using the toilets, changing rooms, and the pool without considering that these are private facilities paid for by the tenants.
  • No access control at the entrance, which allows non-residents to wait for a resident to open the door, then come in after
  • Lack of cleanliness: Swimmers with long hair without swim caps, swimmers in T-shirts and shorts,
  • Swimmers not showering before entering the water.
  • Lockers: some users of the change rooms are permanently leaving their own locks on the lockers, which prevents other people from using them.
Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.