Rockhill Tenants Collective

Residents of the Rockhill apartments in Montreal


Key Issue: Security

Tenants are concerned for their personal security due to multiple recent incidents.

A state of disrepair that persists for a long period leads to the well-documented "broken window" effect, where petty vandalism not corrected encourages more serious misdemeanors because it appears that no one in authority is paying attention.

In general the presence of Minto employees is not felt sufficiently. Having a single security guard for five buildings leaves many blind spots, especially as not all cameras are working. Lifeguards that don't verify the legitimacy of swimmers and do not remind them of the rules lead to messiness, vandalism and harassment in the pool, sauna and changing room areas. Lack of physical walkabouts by the manager and his building delegates means problems go unnoticed until reported, workers don't produce quality work, and non-residents feel free to loiter and even steal items from the lobby.

A simple but consistent security initiative, emphasizing zero tolerance for disrepair and a clear presence of Minto representativies, will result in a safer environment with less undesirable behavior and damage, which is crucial for Minto and its customers.

14 January 2024

It is observed that the pool usage rules are not enforced or should be put in place to improve security and cleanliness

  • Some tenants have interacted with non-residents using the toilets, changing rooms, and the pool without considering that these are private facilities paid for by the tenants.
  • No access control at the entrance, which allows non-residents to wait for a resident to open the door, then come in after
  • Lack of cleanliness: Swimmers with long hair without swim caps, swimmers in T-shirts and shorts,
  • Swimmers not showering before entering the water.
  • Lockers: some users of the change rooms are permanently leaving their own locks on the lockers, which prevents other people from using them.

14 January 2024

A fire alarm triggered shortly after midnight on January 1 raises questions among tenants:

  • When security was contacted during the alarm, the guard was not aware that the alarm was sounding.
  • No communication through the loudspeakers, either to encourage tenants to evacuate or to announce the end of the alert.
  • Tenants notice that many fire alarm stations remain non-functional and covered with tape. Does this lack of connection explain why security was not aware?

Tenants are concerned about this incident.


12 January 2024

The administration of Rockhill sent a letter stating that "acts of vandalism have occurred in the sauna area, compromising not only the quality of our shared environment but also the safety and well-being of everyone. These acts include damage to equipment and inappropriate behavior in the sauna space."

This incident aligns with several tenants reporting a lack of identity control regarding equipment and non-functioning cameras.


12 January 2024

A tenant was a victim of aggressive behavior by a group of men by the pool while she was using the women's change room. The men tried to open the door and yelled obscenities at her.

The lifeguard said he wasn't able to intervene, and the surveillance caméra was not working. The men were not apprehended.


20 December 2023

The door to S1 near the garage entrance (not far from the pool) is not locked.

The door to S2 is not locked.


20 December 2023

For three weeks now, the door to the gym has been broken, so anyone can enter. A repair was carried out last week, and the door is now in the same condition. Therefore, it was an unnecessary repair expense.

Porte du Gym brisée

16 December 2023

Several tenants have mentioned fearing that the Rent Café system does not seem secure. As a result, they have no choice but to revert to the old-fashioned method of using paper checks.

Rent Café is produced by Yardi Systems, and its design lacks modernity. Among other things, access is not protected by two-factor authentication, which is standard for applications with sensitive information and even required by law in several U.S. states for applications having financial data. Furthermore, the software operates on private servers rather than a recognized infrastructure such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud. The technological description on the Yardi corporate website dates back eight years (2016).

The security page contains few details and mentions obtaining SSAE 18, which suggests they have not conducted an official security audit since 2018 (the corresponding SSAE 18 timeframe), as a more recent certification would be specified. A reputable cloud vendor would have at least an annual audit and certification.

A modern software would have an integration with Stripe, Moneris or other companies specialized in payments.


01 December 2023

The Property Manager says that it is practically impossible for them to check everyone using these facilities, and it is the responsibility of each tenant not to open the door to people without a Fob. He says that if tenants notice that unauthorized individuals or groups are entering these areas, they should immediately notify the security guard who will come and check their right to access these places.


01 December 2023

The security guard must be reachable at all times outside of office hours - which is not the case, as the Minto number regularly directs us to voicemail. Moreover, given the nature of his responsibilities, one security guard is clearly insufficient for 1004 units in 6 outdated buildings.

Regarding being regularly directed to voicemail when tenants try to reach security, the Property Manager expressed strong surprise. He said that it should not be this way and immediately mentioned that he would send a notice to security regarding this complaint to clarify the reasons. He advises us to note each time we are redirected to voicemail, especially if it's an emergency: date and time of the call and report it to the administration. Regarding the issue of having only one security guard, Mr. Cao acknowledges the understaffing, expresses sensitivity to the matter, states that he has already raised this concern with his superiors, and will discuss it with them again.


24 November 2023

The sound tests for the fire alarm that were supposed to take place regularly have not been conducted for several months. The Property Manager assures us that a daily inspection, with a supporting report, is carried out to ensure the proper functioning of the alarm system, so there is no concern in that regard. Regarding the sound tests, he will inquire, but he believes that due to this daily inspection, these tests will no longer be necessary. He assures me that their alarm system complies with fire prevention standards.

Next meeting

Monday 9th of September 2024 at 7 PM

In the hall of building C

(next to the stores)


Have a question? An incident, photo or opinion for the website? An exchange with the administration to share? Write to us at:

Register with us here!

The Collective

Affected by the deterioration of the Rockhill Apartments in Montreal, some tenants began meeting in July 2023 to consider ways to address the situation.

From these meetings emerged the Rockhill Tenants Collective, a spontaneous group dedicated to upholding the rights of residents and the heritage value of this once upscale and avant-garde complex.